Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crafting while Traveling (no scissors allowed!)

Flying from Florida to Pennsylvania...

I am getting ready to head home tomorrow. My kids are SO excited to get Mom back! Tonight my husband said they weren't eating until 9pm, because he is trying to finish a construction project in time for me to come back. No wonder they are excited, lol.

I have been at my sister's house for the past six days and I haven't been able to craft. I've been visiting with my family, trying to help a little with the care for our mother, who is just out of the hospital and recently diagnosed with Alzheimer. I've been keeping my mother busy, engaging her in cooking and cleaning. Even in her wheelchair! Today I asked her to sweep and Swisher the floor of the kitchen for me. She was happy to, and I think she felt she was making a difference. Just as with your children, I just didn't tell her when I went back over it myself while she was napping...

My sister asks if I always keep myself so busy at home, and I guess I do.

On the trip down here I took a direct flight, but still I knew I would have to be distracted for the first hour of the trip, and my print books and ipod books would not be enough to contain my antsy feelings. To combat this, I brought along embroidery thread and began to make a friendship bracelet. While I did bring instructions, it was hard to read them on the plane, and I had a little trouble figuring them out. Of course, this meant I didn't get it finished on the flight - I dozed lightly while listening to a book from:

The book was free. I got it, along with a few others, when I signed up for a 30 day free trial of the site (I just have to remember to cancel it next week, unless I decide it was worth it. I'm still not sure, but I certainly have enjoyed using it for this trip).

I am embarrassed to admit what I was listening to. It was a book created from the TV show "Castle". Take a look at Amazon and check out this book (you can click the book to go straight to Amazon).

If you watch the show, it actually has the ACTOR as the real author ! So funny!

The weather on this end is calling for heavy rain, and in fact, we had a tornado warning tonight. It went over the house and blew on by. The weather back at home is calling for snow! So I'm preparing (I was a girl scout - plan ahead!) for a delay while hoping we don't have one. Now what can I bring on a plane if I'm stuck on the tarmac for any amount of time? I wish I had asked this question earlier, so I could have gotten some suggestions...

For now, I guess I'll have to just enjoy knot-tying again, and listening to my book.

Have a great day!

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