Sunday, February 27, 2011

A little of this, that, & a FIRE in my oven!

I had a great weekend. I couldn't list all of what I did, because much of it was random, but there were a few standout points.


My (now 14 yo), Dee, was privileged to sing background with our local symphony for their version of La Boheme on both Saturday and Sunday. It was amazing. My older teen went with a friend to one of the performances and they both cried. The symphony had a translation on the screen in the air behind them onstage, which made it easier for people to understand - even if you know the story it really helped to get the little jokes (all in Italian). This is a picture of the conductor:


My new stove was delivered on Saturday! We weren't planning to set it up, but here is what happened... On Sunday night we were getting ready to cook dinner. The kids had been busy, musical practice, youth group, and I had snuck over to AC Moore to the Midnight Madness sale (I'd never gone before, and I won't go again...).

So it was around 7:30pm and hubby had a plate of cheese and crackers and sausage, and was getting ready to put some Costco hot wings into the oven. Our old OLD oven. I had preheated it. Only when we went to open it, it was ON FIRE!! Here is the offending oven - it was here when we bought the house 8 years ago...

Yes, the filament on top of the stove (the broiler) was aflame! Even shutting off the oven didn't work. Finally my husband went down and shut off the breaker. Yay.

Oh no, but this was NOT the end of it! He decided he would cook the wings on the grill. He started the grill and commented about how our luck would be we'd have no gas. THE GAS WENT OUT.


So finally we ate at 10pm.

We were just lucky that we actually had a stove waiting in the wings. Luck must be turning our way, lol. We got that hooked up (the royal we, I really mean my husband) today. You can see the new stove to the right of our counter. We are in the middle of some MAJOR projects!


I was really glad to get to church on Sunday morning. I really needed the break from life that I get from church! It keeps me grounded. Of course, after Sunday night I was ready to go to church again on Monday, lol.

I didn't create anything this weekend, but I participated in some great memory making moments with my family. AND as a bonus, I bought some clearance fabric and clay at Micheal's!

I hope you get the chance to be creative today!

...and your stove works...

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